In this article, we talk about what a password-based door lock is and how you can use it! We’ll answer questions like: What is a password-based door lock? Why do we need a password-based door lock? How do we use a password-based door lock? Well, read on to find out.

The world of technology is constantly developing and new smart devices are presented every day, capable of significantly improving the quality of one’s life and professional activity in all respects. Among the sectors that have benefited most from this smart revolution we undoubtedly find that of security.

In fact, in recent years, various devices have been introduced that can interact in real-time with their smartphones or with the main voice assistants such as smart locks with wifi or Bluetooth. These are products that have recently arrived on the market, but which have been a huge success right from the start, so much so that they have gradually retired the old and famous key locks.

Smart locks (also called Smart Locks) are distinguished from the classic ones mainly by structure and function. They are equipped with a computerized system capable of connecting to your smartphone, PC, and tablet via a Wifi connection or, alternatively, via Bluetooth.

How does it work

As previously mentioned, this type of lock works completely electronically and uses the most modern technologies for the recognition of the owner and therefore also for the unlocking of the doors on which they are installed.

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