waste basket

What is a Waste Basket?

A waste basket is a small indoor receptacle for trash. It is often used for paper and other light-weight waste. It has pre-installed biodegradable liners and can be emptied easily. It is a very convenient way to dispose of paper. The following examples are automatically selected from various online sources and may not reflect the opinions of the Collins English Dictionary editorial team.


Waste baskets are an essential item for any home. They help keep your home neat and organized, making it easier to clean and maintain. Moreover, they can also be an attractive addition to your decor. They are available in a variety of styles and colors, from traditional metal to elegant glass and wood. A variety of shapes and sizes are also available to suit any space.

Before trash cans and incinerators became common, people would throw their garbage on the streets or bury it in holes. These practices often led to terrible odors, infestations of rats and other animals, contamination of water supplies, and even diseases like the black plague and yellow fever. In contrast, centralized trash collection with waste containers has helped to reduce these problems and made the world cleaner and more organised.

Disposable vapes are not straightforward to recycle. The lithium batteries inside are dangerous if they get damaged during recycling and can cause fires at waste disposal plants. Some campaigns, such as those by Laura Young, PHD student and climate activist, are calling for disposable vapes to be banned.

If you want to save money and time on cleaning, consider investing in a waste container with a removable liner. These receptacles feature pre-installed biodegradable liners that eliminate the need to clean out a full can each day. They are also available in a variety of colors and shapes, and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Some can even be hung from the wall or ceiling.


A biodegradable waste basket is a great option for the environment. Traditional plastics take centuries to break down, while biodegradable waste baskets will decompose in just a few months. They also release less carbon dioxide than other forms of waste. Additionally, they reduce waste basket the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills. Biodegradable waste baskets also take less space than regular trash bags, and are available in different sizes to suit any home.

Unlike regular plastics, which are made from petrochemicals, biodegradable garbage bags are designed to break down naturally in the presence of air and sunlight. These products are typically labeled as compostable or photodegradable, and meet strict standards set by the Biodegradable Products Institute (ASTM D6400) and OK Compost home/commercial (ASTM D6400). These bags are also free of toxins like bisphenol A, and they’re quicker to break down than conventional garbage bags.

Most people are aware that traditional plastic waste is a serious problem. It is estimated that 13 percent of the world’s waste is composed of plastic. Many of these items end up in landfills, where they leach harmful chemicals into the soil. The rest are incinerated or end up polluting the oceans. Biodegradable waste baskets can help to reduce the number of these problems.

While traditional plastics are made from petroleum, which requires a lot of energy to produce, bioplastics are made from organic, renewable resources. These include vegetable oils, corn starch, and even algae and seaweed. The process of creating these plastics uses a fraction of the petroleum used to make traditional ones. In addition, they generate fewer greenhouse gases, as they are not produced through the harmful extraction and refining of fossil fuels.

One of the best things about biodegradable waste baskets is that they can be molded into attractive shapes. This makes them more appealing to consumers, who are becoming increasingly aware of the environment. This is why more and more companies are embracing biodegradable products.

Despite their advantages, however, biodegradable waste baskets have their own drawbacks. They can produce methane in landfills, which is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide and accelerates climate change. This is why it’s important to select these products carefully. It’s also important to avoid mixing them with non-biodegradable plastics when disposing of them.

Easy to clean

The garbage bin in your home or office is a magnet for ants, roaches, germs, and foul odor. It may seem that there is no way to keep your waste basket clean, but there are a few simple steps you can take to keep your trash receptacle free of odors and germs.

Begin with a thorough cleaning of the inside and outside of your trash can. Use a sponge and warm soapy water to scrub away any food particles or other grime. Make sure to wipe down the creases and corners of your bin as well. Next, rinse the entire container with clean water from your hose or sink. Pour out any dirty water or dump it out of the sink to prevent the spread of bacteria and pests in your home or workplace.

After scrubbing your trash can, dry it completely using paper towels or a clean waste basket microfiber cloth. Then, place a new garbage bag in your bin. Make sure the bag is strong and sturdy, so it doesn’t rip or tear as you throw away the contents of your bin.

If you are having trouble getting your bin to smell fresh, try sprinkling the bottom with baking soda or a commercial deodorizer. A little bit of baking soda will absorb the odors, and it will also help keep your bin dry between deep cleanings.

Keeping your kitchen trash can free of odor and germs isn’t difficult, but it does require a commitment to taking out the trash every other day and washing your trash can often. This commitment will pay off in the long run, because you’ll be able to avoid foul smells and the build-up of pests and bacteria.

A common problem is that your trash can becomes stinky because you’re not lining it properly. The plastic bags that double as liners at the grocery store or the paper ones that are used for trash cans don’t fit snugly around the rim and leave openings that allow liquids to seep through and cause odor. Instead, invest in a set of trash can liners that are specifically designed for your wastebasket.


Having a waste basket in the kitchen can certainly make things easier for you. This area is very specific and is often used by many people, so you need a bin that is convenient and easy to access at all times. A luxury wastebasket is the perfect solution, as it can be placed in a discreet place and does not stand out too much.

A modern office or home office can also benefit from a sleek and stylish trash can. A small steel wastebasket can fit under a desk, and some feature built-in reinforcements that prevent it from jamming when stacked. Some even work well alongside larger recycling containers, so you can have a 2-in-1 receptacle. These examples are automatically selected from various online sources to illustrate the meaning of the word ‘wastebasket.’ Send us feedback.

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