Augmented Reality Glasses for Construction

Construction jobsites are kinetic environments where any distraction can have life-threatening consequences. With a pair of AR smart glasses, workers can access critical information hands-free and keep their eyes on the task at hand.

In the planning stages, AR allows for project presentations that showcase 3D models in actual spaces, eliminating budget-killing oversights and reducing rework. Onsite surveyors and engineers can also use smart glasses for hands-free access to positioning data for marking and quality assurance.


Augmented reality (AR) technology uses a smart device to overlay digital content on your physical world without cutting off the connection with your environment. This allows you to see 3D models and blueprints in the context of their real-world counterparts. It also provides enhanced visualization capabilities, which are invaluable in a highly collaborative sector such as construction.

One of the most significant opportunities for AR in construction is using it with Building Information Modeling (BIM). This software-facilitated process produces life-size digital models of the space a project will eventually occupy. Construction workers can view these models with smart glasses and examine them for discrepancies, which eliminates errors, reduces rework and saves time and money.

Another way that construction professionals are utilizing AR is by tracking progress on the job site with solutions like iSite or Dalux Viewer. These apps augmented reality glasses for construction use the device’s augmented reality features to track where users are on the floorplan and automatically capture images at the same points over time, which helps with accuracy and efficiency.

Those who want to take the benefits of augmented reality to the next level can try mixed reality, or MR, which uses immersive technology to combine virtual and real environments. For example, the Microsoft HoloLens headset projects holograms into the existing space, letting you interact with them while staying aware of your physical surroundings.


Despite the futuristic vistas of smart glasses, such as those developed by LA-based startup DAQRI, or Google Glass, which never really caught on, these tech specs have a variety of applications in the construction industry. They can be used in project presentations, for progress capture, enhanced collaboration and to promote safety.

For example, a contractor can use AR to demonstrate a virtual mockup of the final construction product to clients, allowing for greater accuracy and improved communication. It could also help reduce on-site accidents by enabling better coordination between different trades.

Additionally, AR can aid in training new employees on how to use equipment or complete a task. It can do this by superimposing step-by-step instructions onto the view of the work site while providing real-time feedback. This eliminates guesswork and prevents misunderstandings.

Furthermore, augmented reality can improve the efficiency of site inspections by saving time and reducing augmented reality glasses for construction cost. It can superimpose computer-generated images created in CAD or BIM on top of the real world to facilitate comparison and aligning between the design and the as-built structure. This can shorten project schedules, reduce costs and eliminate rework while promoting safety. It can also assist with data collection by allowing contractors to record and transmit digital information, such as measurements, directly from their smart glasses. This can eliminate the need for additional tools and allows workers to focus on the task at hand.


Augmented reality is poised to play a large role in construction, and many firms are already starting to leverage this technology. Smart glasses are capable of displaying computer-generated information overlaid on a physical environment, such as a project site. They can be used to assist with training, improve communication, and increase safety on the job.

For example, AR can help a worker learn how to operate complex machinery before they head to a construction site. It can also provide a life-like demonstration of hazardous materials or situations without exposing team members to danger. This can be especially useful for companies that work with dangerous chemicals or materials.

Another application of AR in construction is for design and planning. For example, a builder can use AR to view a virtual representation of the finished product before it is built. This can reduce mistakes and save time and money.

One of the most interesting applications of augmented reality in construction is using it with drones. The whirring buzz of drones is already reshaping how construction professionals do their jobs, from pre-construction mapping and keeping track of inventory to surveying progress. But pairing drones with augmented reality can make the process even more efficient and safe for workers on the ground. Augmented reality headsets like the Microsoft HoloLens allow a worker to view a video feed of a drone’s perspective through transparent lenses, while still maintaining clear line of sight for flying.


While AR technology has long made waves in other industries, it is starting to find its way into construction. Many forward-thinking individuals want to use mixed reality (VR and AR) to track project timelines, improve communication and safety, and increase productivity.

The technology requires the right devices to work, however. While it’s possible to use mobile phones or tablets, smart glasses are the best choice for industrial use cases. These pieces are more rugged, have a higher field of view and allow users to interact with their surroundings without losing focus on their task. The right wearables are also ANSI-compliant, making them safe to use on the job site.

Workers are often required to multitask on a construction site, switching between drawings, specifications and answering incoming calls. This can be dangerous, especially for those working with heavy machinery or delicate materials. AR solutions like Vuzix Blade and Epson Moverio BT-300 allow users to keep their hands free while accessing information on their headsets. These devices project a live video feed of a drone’s perspective onto a set of transparent lenses, maintaining a clear line of sight with the aircraft.

Additionally, applications like Fologram transform plans into holograms and offer step-by-step instructions for masons during the build process. This could greatly reduce on-site errors, improve efficiency and ensure quality throughout the construction process.

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